Monday, June 08, 2009

VIVID Sydney

Lighting the Sails: a few photos of the Opera House

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The way you feel

It is still raining. When will it stop? Il cielo a volte, invece, ha qualche cosa di infernale... it's the perfect weather to fly and I'm definitely going with the wind, running like a mouse on a wheel, such a sweet sensation...

I enjoy the silence, look forward to the unknown, meraviglioso. I'm the leader of a bad girl gang, sounds about right...

Meno distrazioni. Più concentrazione. Mettere a fuoco la meta ed andare...dritto...lì. Enjoying the nature and reminiscing, it's a taste of things to come, wonderful!

It's all about the classics, in the crowd, strani giorni, viviamo strani giorni, it's blurred, for the first time in ages. Burn baby burn!

Missing Hasi... Well THAT didn't take long. 7 weeks and counting, torn and frayed, the earth is moving.

In Love,

(these are compiled status quotes from my friends on facebook)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sunday, May 03, 2009


Here are a couple of interesting photos taken at the Wine and Food Festival today in Kings Cross

Monday, April 27, 2009

Serra Yılmaz & Jérôme Rigaudias

During Istanbul Film Festival, this April, my brother accompanied Serra Yılmaz who was reciting a text by Daniel Mermet.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Sun Surf & Seal Rocks

Hello everyone :)

Summer was here and summer is almost gone on my side of the world.
Making the best out of it, last week-end a group of us went to Seal Rocks, 3 hours north of Sydney, to try and learn how to surf.

Click here to see more photos

And as usual ... Enjoy!